Introducing Footprint Verification
The footprints are annotated with different indicator icons:
- Verified: This means we have seen this footprint before and it has been used in at least one other order that has been manufactured. Verified footprints are marked with a "". The number next to the check mark indicates how many orders this footprint has been used in.
- Warning: A "" icon indicates that the footprint is different from an existing verified footprint, but but is still similar to other non-verified footprints on CircuitHub. It is not necessarily incorrect, but is worth double checking.
- Incorrect: Footprints marked with an "" are different from an existing verified footprint and do not have any other footprints that are similar. This footprint is likely to be incorrect.
- Tool tip: Footprints marked with an "" have information that may be useful for you such as how many projects have similar footprints.
- Unknown: Footprints that do not have any icons mean we do not have any existing footprints to compare your footprint to.
If you expand a BOM line of a footprint marked with an icon you will see a blue outline. In the case of a correct footprint the outline will be in line with your own footprint (marked in red). The blue outline is showing the footprint with the closest match to your own. This gives you an explanation as to why we think that your footprint may be incorrect.
Footprint verification is still a work in progress and we will be adding additional features shortly such as looking at pin numbers. Please let us know what you think of this new feature and what other DFM features you would like to see. We happily welcome any feedback!
Very cool! Could definitely prevent some headaches.